Visitor Guidelines

Visiting Hirsch Elementary / Visitando la Primaria Hirsch
We love to have visitors here at Hirsch! In order to ensure the safety of all of our students and staff, we ask you to follow the following guidlines. To find a map to Hirsch please click here.
When You Visit Our School
All visitors must enter and exit through the front doors. Visitors must then report to the front office to get their visitor's badge.
Visitors must have a valid drivers's license or state i.d. to visit our campus. Please be prepared to present your photo i.d. It will be used to produce an instant visitor's badge that will identify you and your destination on campus. Please return the badge to the front office staff when exiting the building.
You are only allowed to travel to the area indicated on your badge. If you wish to visit another area of the campus, please return to the front office to have your badge destination changed.
Students will only be released to an adult who is listed on their registration documents.